Production process

The roots of Heffron rum go back to the distillery in Las Cabras de Pesé in Panama.

The spiritual father is master blender Francisco Fernández, also known as “Don Pancho”.

He has more than 50 years of experience in the rum production.

He began his career in Cuba in the 1960s, where, as director of the beverage industry, he contributed to improvements that are now used as a standard.

Don Pancho has lived in Panama since the 1990s, where he produces the best rums in the world.


The whole production process begins with a careful selection of high quality sugar cane to obtain molasses.

The carbohydrates contained in the molasses are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide by the action of yeast in the fermentation process.

Fermentation itself is exothermic (releases heat), so the fermentation tanks have to be cooled with water.

A constant fermentation temperature of 32°C and a pH between 4.0-4.5 are maintained.

Distillation and maturation

After the fermentation process is completed, the next stage is distillation.

Continuous distillation, sometimes called column distillation, is used to make Heffron rum. This is the most common method used in rum production. The Panama distillery has a column of enormous dimensions. It contains several dozen distillation plates so the distillation is multi-stage. Thanks to this the young Heffron rum is very pure, however still containing the key elements carrying the desired flavors form the sugar cane.

Heffron Original matures in American white oak barrels for 5 years. Every drop of it remains in the barrel for this time. No solera process is used.

Heffron 5YO Rum matures also 5 years in carefully selected ex-bourbon barrels. These barrels have different give the resulting rum a completely different character – dryer taste with more woodiness and tones of tropical fruits.

Heffron 10YO Rum gains its unique taste properties thanks to the careful work of experienced blend masters. It is a masterfully selected blend of ten-year-old rums that have matured in barrels after sherry, bourbon, and cognac that gave the final product a rich palette of flavors and aromas.


The rum is transported by ship from Panama in barrel strength of 74% alk. to our distillery.

Before bottling, the rum continues to mature. The conditions of the Prostějov cellar differ significantly from the climate of Panama. Heffron therefore gets such character from the barrels, that it could never get only in Panama. Before bottling, the rum acquires the required strength of 38%, or 40%, at which its taste properties stand out the best.


The roots of Heffron rum go back to the distillery in Las Cabras de Pesé in Panama.

The spiritual father is master blender Francisco Fernández, also known as “Don Pancho”.

He has more than 50 years of experience in the rum production.

He began his career in Cuba in the 1960s, where, as director of the beverage industry, he contributed to improvements that are now used as a standard.

Don Pancho has lived in Panama since the 1990s, where he produces the best rums in the world.


The whole production process begins with a careful selection of high quality sugar cane to obtain molasses.

The carbohydrates contained in the molasses are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide by the action of yeast in the fermentation process.

Fermentation itself is exothermic (releases heat), so the fermentation tanks have to be cooled with water.

A constant fermentation temperature of 32°C and a pH between 4.0-4.5 are maintained.

Distillation and maturation

After the fermentation process is completed, the next stage is distillation.

Continuous distillation, sometimes called column distillation, is used to make Heffron rum. This is the most common method used in rum production. The Panama distillery has a column of enormous dimensions. It contains several dozen distillation plates so the distillation is multi-stage. Thanks to this the young Heffron rum is very pure, however still containing the key elements carrying the desired flavors form the sugar cane.

Heffron Original matures in American white oak barrels for 5 years. Every drop of it remains in the barrel for this time. No solera process is used.

Heffron 5YO Rum matures also 5 years in carefully selected ex-bourbon barrels. These barrels have different give the resulting rum a completely different character – dryer taste with more woodiness and tones of tropical fruits.

Heffron 10YO Rum gains its unique taste properties thanks to the careful work of experienced blend masters. It is a masterfully selected blend of ten-year-old rums that have matured in barrels after sherry, bourbon, and cognac that gave the final product a rich palette of flavors and aromas.
V průběhu zrání dochází v sudech k extrakci jejich složek, jako jsou třísloviny, vápenaté soli a barviva, stejně jako quercetin, které propůjčují výslednému liquidu specifické chuťové a aromatické vlastnosti. Každý sud je jiný. Jeho vlastnosti ovlivňuje to, zda je nově vyrobený, nebo zda v něm předtím zrál jiný ušlechtilý destilát. Jsme hrdí na to, že se na výrobě rumu Heffron podílejí jedni z nejzkušenějších blendmasterů světa, kteří dokáží rumu vtisknout to nejlepší, co mu sudy mohou dát.


The rum is transported by ship from Panama in barrel strength of 74% alk. to our distillery.

Before bottling, the rum continues to mature. The conditions of the Prostějov cellar differ significantly from the climate of Panama. Heffron therefore gets such character from the barrels, that it could never get only in Panama. Before bottling, the rum acquires the required strength of 38%, or 40%, at which its taste properties stand out the best.

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